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Monday, October 6, 2008

Monochrome Monday - The Statues

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Learn to get in touch with the silence within yourself and know that everything in
this life has a purpose. -
Elisabeth Kubler-Ross

Most botanical gardens have some wonderful statues. My kids, like myself are amazed by all the statues hidden through the gardens. These are at the far end. We had to walk a long way to get to these beauties but it was well worth it.


Anonymous said...

Good choice of subject, Maria.

Gemma Wiseman said...

Such beauty in a magic place!

Mojo said...

My first thought was that you could've used a bit more contrast here, but after seeing the full-sized image, I think what you've got suits the mood just fine.

Thanks for walking all that way to bring them to us!

BlogBlast for Peace - 11.6.2008

Maria's Space said...

Aileni, I always appreciate your comments.

Greyscale, Yes, it is a beautiful place. Wish it was closer.

Mojo, I love that you viewed it full size. I agree with you too. I didn't play with it at all after viewing it large.