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Saturday, October 11, 2008

What the Heck Is This? See The Answer Below.

Camera Critters

Can someone tell me what this is. I imagine it is some kind of Spinx moth but have been unable to locate it online or at the library. For another picture of this interesting creature. Go to my other blog here.

It is called a Tiger Swallowtail. Because of it's color I assumed it was a moth caterpillar. It is not, it is in fact a butterfly.

It took forever to find information on this guy. I was searching through archives of moth caterpillars. Doh!

Check out this link for photos of the caterpiller in the various stages and then becoming a butterfly.

Another photo.

Some video

Tiger Swallowtail Caterpillar - Funny home videos are a click away


Digital Flower Pictures said...

I don't know but it looks weird.

Pea in a Pod said...

I also don't have any idea..But it looks like a fish? hmm..Mine is posted HERE. Hope you drop by! Happy WW!~

earthlingorgeous said...

No idea is that a kind of fish or a squishy toy? Hahahaha! Where did you find it? Happy WW!

Maria's Space said...

DFP, It is downright creepy, if you ask me.

Pea, It does look like a fish.

Earthlingorgeous, It was hiding in my gazebo. We found it when we took it down for the season.

A Blog In The Rough said...

yah it looks like a funky fish to me too, but it can't be.

Crazy Working Mom said...

My 5 year old says it's "a sea shell with an eye". :)

Anonymous said...

He had a walk-on part in Dune.

Tootie said...

Very strange! I'll be checking back to find out what it is. :-)

June said...

Looks like Pac-Man was found :-)

Misty DawnS said...

I've seen the gorgeous Tiger Swallowtail butterflies, but never the caterpillar - this is SO COOL!

i beati said...

truly fascinating