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Monday, October 20, 2008

Ruby Tuesday - Halloween 2003 & 2005

Join Mary/Teach the brain child behind Ruby Tuesday and post some Ruby Red photos.

These pictures are of my babies. The first one is Handsome in 2003 and he was 5 months old. The second is Goddess in 2005 and she was 6 months old. Yes, they are wearing the same costume only Handsome was about 13 pounds heavier.

They were my little devils and the outfit really, really was fitting for the Goddess.


DrillerAA said...

These are wonderful.
Have a great Ruby Tuesday

Anonymous said...

That's the cutest entry for Ruby Tuesday today :)

Dianne said...

Handsome and Goddess - what perfect nicknames!!

Cutest devils I've ever seen

mark's tails said...

Agree, 2 cute lil' devils.

Ralph said...

Aren't they just too cute to be devils?? At least i think so!

Grandma Faith said...

Cute little devils!

Maria's Space said...

Drilleraa, Thank you so much for stopping by.

Napa, Awww...sweet. Thanks for taking the time to comment.

Dianne, Thanks...He used to be precocious toddler and she was banshee girl, these names are much better.

Mark's Tail, Yes they are.

Ralph, Oh these two. Ha..devils all the way.

Grandma Faith, Thanks for taking the time to comment.