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Saturday, October 18, 2008

Camera Critters - The Lady and The Lady Bug

Camera Critters

(Click on the photo to enlarge)

My daughter and the ladybug...

If you were curious about last week's creature critter...I have the answer here.


Jane Hards Photography said...

We call them ladybirds. Just the prettiest aren't they.

Pea in a Pod said...

Very cute! I love ladybug!~Mine is posted HERE. Happy CC!~

Anonymous said...

Sounds like the title of a children's book - sooo sweet!

Jeanne said...

Cute pictures and love the way you presented them.

TwD said...

That's hearty composition.

i beati said...

Bringing her lots of good luck ,

ratmammy said...

very nice presentation!

Maria's Space said...

Chrissym, Thanks so much.

Babooshka, Awww...that is really cute.

Pea, We love ladybugs too.

Ms. Hayes, It does...I should get on that quick.

Jeanne, Thanks...I love these pictures so it is nice to see everyone else does too.

R and J, You think? Thanks so much for the comment.

ibeati, We could all use a little luck. I am going to rub her for luck right now.

Rat, Thank you for the comment. I appreciate you taking the time.