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Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Wordless Wednesday-Christmas Card Photo Shoot



Dianne said...

they're beautiful!

Secret Mom Thoughts said...

Cute children.

A Gilmore Girls Fan said...

They are so cute. My older brother is only a couple years older than me too. They will love being so close in age.

Happy WW!

Valtool said...

Nicely done. No doubt they are sibs. I took a photo for a friend and her 3 daughters are like clones! :)

Maria's Space said...

Dianne, That are as devilish as they are cute. Don't let them fool ya but I DO adore them. My heart on legs!

Vicky, Thanks

Elizabeth, Thank you and I hope so. They are 23 months apart and they are good friends right now.

Valtool, I know it...We are always amazed at how similar they look.

Gayle said...

Looks like your photo shoot went far better than mine. I gave up!

cherish.photography said...

awwww.... super cute!

Maria's Space said...

Gayle, Sorry to hear that but I bet those photos are adorable.

Cherish, Thank you. They love each other.