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Monday, December 1, 2008

Ruby Tuesday - Baby's First Christmas = 3 Stockings

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The Christmas of 2005 was one of my favorite Christmas'. Seeing my son's stocking next to ours was such a moment for me. I always loved my husband but never felt like we were "family" until we had a baby.

I remember when I took this picture. It was so important to document the 3 stockings next to each other. For so many years it had been just the two of us and now we were 3.

Christmas has always been a favorite holiday but my son reinvented it for me.


Anonymous said...

Awww.. I miss hanging stockings for Christmas!

My ruby entries are posted here and here. Please pass by if you have the time. Thanks!

DrowseyMonkey-Photos said...

Ahhhh, those are sweet. I love Christmas, such great memories.

DrillerAA said...

We have to go see the grandkids to enjoy Christmas stockings. It is a great time of the year. Great photo.

Haley H said...

A sweet memory and a fun photo to revisit at Christmas. Your little one must be really active now and old enough to really enjoy the season.