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Sunday, November 16, 2008

Monochrome Monday - The Steps


Last week the kids and I were taken to an awesome spa to spend the day. One of Handsome's classmates, grandmother has a membership to the most beautiful spa. We enjoyed the hot tub while the kids played in the pool. We played racquetball, walked the track, swam in the outdoor pool, it was a wonderful way to spend a day.

I walked upstairs to look around while the kids were having a snack. You can see my shoe at the bottom of the photo. The kids were right below me with "my brother" and his grandmother. My son always says, "he's my brother" when we see them. I constantly remind him that he is his friend not his brother but it really is cute.


Anonymous said...

That comes over very well as a monochrome. A good picture.

Maria's Space said...


I am lucky I didn't break my neck taking this picture. I was hoping you would like it.

Richard Lawry said...

I like the curvature of the stairs. The monochrome gives it an old feel.

An Arkie's Musings

magiceye said...

lovely picture indeed! superb composition!!

Julie said...

I love the steps in black and white.

Catherine said...

That was an interesting Monchrome post.
Lines, symmetry, are perfect in B&W.

"Sunshine" said...

Great effect in monochrome.